2 Jun 2010

Chicken with a chili ketchup sauce

It's June! The day length is getting longer and the temperature is more bearable. But it won't last long in Tokyo as the rainy season is coming soon and that will stay for over a month. When the rain finishes, it will be already hot.

I remember that this time in Europe is one of the best seasons in a year. People are very happy to enjoy chatting, dancing or drinking with friends till late at night. Also many outdoor festivals and events fascinated me as well as the nice weather...

I will cook the chicken and bean sprout using a tomato ketchup today.
bean sprout 
spring onion
tomato ketchup (2tbsps)
vinegar (1tbsp)
chili sauce (1tbsp)
sugar (1tbsp)
soup (chicken)

1- Cut the chicken, put a little salt on it and coat it with starch.

2- Fry 1 with some sesame oil. When the surface is cooked, add 1/2 a cup of soup and boil.

3- Put the bean sprout in, adjust the taste with ketchup, vinegar, chili sauce and sugar.

4- When all ingredients are cooked, splash the starch around that is melted in a 2tbsps water.

5- Add the finely cut spring onion and heat it for a little more.
