Now-days, we are facing the serious problem for the earth's history. Climate change. All the people, countries, organizations and corporations in the world must work together to protect our earth. Green industry is booming and eco-minded people are growing in Japan.
Choosing food is one thing you can do for the environment. For example:
- Local food has less effect to the environment than imported/long-traveled food that produces more CO2 from it's transport.
- Eating food in season is more natural and better for you as non-season-food needs to be warmed up or cooled down in a artificial way like green house, which takes more energy. Also the non-natural-food often contains less nutrients.
- You can also choose organic food that has a clear traceability so that you know where and how it was made and how it came to your plate..
However, each ingredient has a different background so it's important to know the producing systems and the environmental effects of the ingredient.
Today I will introduce buta-don. Buta means pork, don means a bowl called 'donburi' that also means a cooking style that has something on top of the rice in the bowl. The pork is from the prefecture I live.
Ingredients for 2 serves;
sliced pork
sugar (1tsp)
soy sauce (2tsps)
sake (1tbsp)
*If you have.
1- Sprinkle some salt on the sliced pork. Graze some daikon.
2- Fry ginger and 1, then add sake, sugar, marmalade and soy sauce.
3- Put some hot rice in a bowl and 3 on top of it, then put the grazed daikon on.
Please eat a lot of vegetables with buta don!