2 Jun 2010

Egg and chiken donburi

There is an interesting project called "BUY ME AN EV"(link). The promoter of this project tries to raise money from sponsors to buy an electric car and drive it for 6 months to promote a greener life . Then he sells the car and uses the money for another green projects in developing countries.

If you donate money to some organizations, usually you don't know exactly how it'll be used. It might be used just for their promoting activities. So in this point, this project is closer to the actual issue.

Today I will cook a popular Japanese-style called 'oyako-don' that means donburi of family that is egg and chicken. Donburi is explained in this page.

soup (dried bonito)
soy sauce

1- Cut the chicken and onion. Cook the rice.

2- Boil the soup with onion, sugar, sake, mirin and soy sauce. Place the chicken into it.

3- When all the ingredients are cooked, pour the mixed egg around and then put it on the hot rice.

If you have, please put some trefoil on top.
