Showing posts with label mushroom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mushroom. Show all posts

9 Mar 2010

Chicken steamed with white whine

If you happen to be in Japan in the springtime, you will believe that the Japanese national flower is definitely sakura (cherry blossoms). Well, there is no such thing as national flower in Japan. But it's true that sakura has been loved by Japanese people for a long time as you can often see its existence in the literature, paintings and other cultural creations.

Around February to March, the media start analyzing exactly the date the sakura bloom in every part of Japan. This is often called the "sakura front". People care about the sakura front because of hanami which is a party where you have a picnic with your colleagues, family or friends under beautiful sakura trees. These days, sakura spots get full of happy and drunk people!

They said that sakura front in Tokyo this year is 25th of March. So we set our hanami on the 27th. I will report back then...
eringi mushroom
white wine
dried herbs (rosemary, basil, thyme)

1- Cut the chicken and flour a bit of salt on. Cut the vegetables.

2- Fry the chicken. After the chicken's surface is cooked, add the carrot and onion.

3- Pour half a cup of wine and boil it. Add some water and close a lid on.

4- After it's cooked, add pepper and herbs.
