Showing posts with label spinach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spinach. Show all posts

24 Feb 2010

Sesame spinach for bento

What do you eat for lunch at work? In Japan, we have a lunch box called "bento" which contains a few types of food and rice. You can find bento everywhere at convenience stores and supermarkets, and also some restaurants sell bento as well.

In my childhood, the lunch was provided by the city at the primary school and the junior high school but not at the high school. We could of course buy breads at school but most students had a nice hand made bento.
My mother used to cook the breakfast(soup, rice, some dishes) and bento for the whole family every morning, which was a hard work and greatly appreciated. It amazes me whenever I realize how much Japanese people work on breakfast...

Today's cooking is a simple spinach salad that is suitable for bento because you can put it in a little cup and keep in the freezer. Whenever you want to add some green in your bento, you can put the frozen spinach in the morning, then it will defrost by lunch time.
white sesame (2tbsps)
sake (1tsp)
sugar (1tsp)
soy sauce (1tsp)
1- Crush the sesame with hands roughly, mix it with sake, sugar and soy sauce.

2- Wash the spinach, boil or microwave and wash. Squeeze the water and cut.

3- Stir 2 and 1.
