19 May 2010

Hamburg and Vietnamese food report 2

One of the world-famous Vietnamese foods is pho noodles.  Of course I ate many types of pho in Vietnam. There are many outdoor restaurants with small plastic chairs and tables on the streets where local people eat meals daily. A lot of them provide pho.

I especially like 'pho ga' (rice noodle soup with beef) and 'pho bo' (rice noodle soup with chicken) with bunch of herbs. It's rate to use herbs for Japanese food so I was very happy to taste the different aromatic combination.

Photo: left- pho near Saigon, right- pho near Ha Long.

Let's cook 'hanba-gu (hamburg)' that is popular in Japan.

minced pork and beef
bread crumb
canned tomato
dried oregano

1- Mix the finely cut onion, minced meat, mixed egg, grazed ginger, nutmeg, bread crumb, salt and pepper. Make a shape like a flat ball after hitting in hands a few times to get rid of the air.

2- Fry 1 on a heated frying pan. Make sure it's 'well-done' and put it aside.

3- Fry some canned tomato into the same pan and adjust the taste with dried oregano, salt and pepper.

4- Put 2 into 3 and heat together quickly.

The green vegetable next to the hamburg (in the top photo) is called 'ice plant'. I got this in northern Japan last week. It's originally from South Africa and tastes very refreshing and a little salty.
