2 Apr 2010

Tomato chicken stew

Do you know Kabuki? Kabuki is the Japanese style composite art like the European opera. The stories are usually based on a historical fact or an anecdote and these are sometimes complicated. However, there are still so many Kabuki fans, which was proven when I tried to buy two tickets last month.

The tickets for the April performance were launched on a day in March at 10:00am. After I tried to book from the website, mobile web and phone for hours on the day, I finally could reach the mobile web at 15:00. But there were no seats left on any weekend then...so I bought the Friday seats. If you don't mind lining up, you can also buy a walk-up ticket for a single show.

OK, let's eat spring cabbage that is in season now!
tomato can
white wine
rosemary(dried or fresh)

1- Put some salt, pepper and rosemary on the cut chicken. Cut the cabbage.

2- Fry the chicken with some olive oil. When the surface is cooked, put a bit of white wine on.

3- Add the cabbage and tomato can. Adjust the taste with salt, pepper and oregano and steam it until all the ingredients are cooked.
