14 Mar 2010

Steamed custard pudding

It was warm on Saturday so I went bike riding along a river and enjoyed the spring atmosphere. I smelt beautiful blossoms, passed jogging and riding people, heard busy birds and saw young green leaves. Exercising outdoors feels much better than at the gym actually.

After you feel tired, you can add some sweets into your body. This type of custard pudding is very popular in Japan and you can buy it anywhere at supermarkets and convenience stores. In Japan they call the convenience store, the "conbini".

Let's make this gentle honey pudding by steaming. It's easy, but it makes you smile.
Ingredients for 5 cups;
eggs (2+1yolk)
sugar (40g)
milk (2cups)
honey (1tsp)
vanilla essence 
sugar (70g)
water (1tbsp)

1- (custard) Mix the eggs, honey and sugar well. Add warmed (not hot!) milk and vanilla essence and stir it slowly. Put it through a strainer.

2- (caramel) Heat sugar and water until it becomes brown and thick. Put it into each cup and cool it down.

3- Pour 2 into the cups.

4- Place 4 in a steaming pot. Steam with high temperature for a minute, then open the lid a little and keep steaming with lower temperature for another 10 minutes.

5- When it's all solid, finished. Cool in the fridge before you eat.

You can enjoy the pudding with some fruits or cream as well.
