21 Feb 2010

Wakame omlete for your hair

 Have you ever eaten seaweed? It's not common to eat seaweed in western countries but popular in eastern Asia like Japan and Korea. There are a few different types of seaweed but unfortunately I can't find the English words for those, so I will explain major tree types quickly below...
  • konbu- thick and long kelp that you might have seen in the ocean. Dried konbu is mainly used for stock.
  • wakame- smaller and thinner than konbu. You can buy dried or raw wakame at supermarkets'. It suits salad and soup well.
  • nori- dried laver seaweed. Nori goes with rice like sushi and onigiri, and also it's often cut finely and used as a topping.
It is said that seaweed is good for your hair. I don't know if it actually makes your hair grow more but it's true that seaweed has a lot of vitamin, mineral and fiber which make your hair healthier.

Today I will cook a simple omelet with a lot of raw wakame.
raw wakame
2 eggs
1- Wash wakame to get salt away, keep it in the water for 10 minutes and squeeze. Cut it into 3cm pieces.

2- Fry 1 with some sesame oil, then place it to the side.

3- Mix the eggs, some salt and pepper, then put it on a heated pan and add 2.

4- Roll it like an omelet.
