24 Feb 2010

Tofu and wakame salad

Tofu has been my favourite food since it saved me when I got sick from stress working in US. It made me realize that I was Japanese!

You can buy tofu outside the original places now but it's a little harder to find a Japanese fresh tofu. I only found Chinese tofu at an Asian supermarket in Australia and it surprised me that there were many more types than Japanese tofu.

I like eating tofu just with a bit of soy sauce, then feel the kind taste of soy beans and the softness in my mouth. It also refreshes you when you eat with a strong tasting food. I often make a salad. Tofu can suit any type of taste even for Italian or French style salads. If you enjoy tomatoes and tofu with olive oil, basil and pepper, then you can feel it as a ricotta cheese.
bean vermicelli
wakame seaweed*
soy sauce
red chili powder
*Wakame is explained here.
1- Keep the bean vermicelli in the warm water until it becomes soft. Cut wakame into 3cm pieces.

2- Make a dressing with oil, vinegar, soy sauce and red chilli.

3- Break the tofu and stir it with 1 and 2.
