3 Feb 2010

Tamagoyaki- Japanese omelet

It snowed in Tokyo yesterday and is still so cold.  Today, February 2nd is the Japanese traditional ending of the winter season. It's called "Setsubun" where you throw roasted beans in your home to expel evil spirits and attract a good fortune.

When I was a child, my father used to wear the evil mask then my brothers and I threw beans at him.

Today I will cook a little thing for you... a Japanese omelet called tamagoyaki which is a very popular home dish.

Ingredients for 2 serves:
eggs (3)
soy sauce (1 tsp)
soup (2 tbsp)
salt (a little)
sugar (1 tsp)
1- Stir all the ingredients and spread 1/5 on the heated frying pan.

2- When it's firmed, roll and move it to the edge.

3- Spread 1/4 of the rest and roll 2 to the edge when it's firmed.

4- Continue the same another 3 times.

It might be difficult at the start, but the more you try, the more you improve. You can put for example seaweed or cheese inside or eat it with grated daikon like the picture. If you don't have the square frying pan, don't worry. A normal round one will do!
