27 Sept 2010

Takikomi gohan- mixed rice

Hello. Are you interested in hiking? Well, even though you are not, I am sure that you would like it when you know how beneficial it is for your diet!

According to a website that calculates your energy consumption for climbing, basically an 8 hour hike can burn around 5,000kcal! That is equivalent to the energy you need to in-take in about 3 days. Actually that's too much energy to lose in a short time so you need to eat sugar and salt during the climbing. But you can definitely lose your weight.
 You can also enjoy the extraordinary environment that refresh your mind. This photo of Mt. Fuji is a view from a mountain in Okutama, Tokyo.

shitake mushroom
age (friend tofu)
konbu (dried kelp)
soy sauce (2tbsps)
mirin (2tbsps)
sake (1tbsp)

1- Wash the age with a hot water. Cut konjac, carrot, shitake and age finely.

2- Wash the rice and put it in the cooker with the usual amount of water.

3- Add the soy sauce, sake and mirin into 2 and mix it around. Put the konbu and then 1 on top and cook.

4- When it's cooked, stir it around.
