5 Aug 2010

Stir fried pork with gochujang

Do you know gochujang? It is a chili-based fermented Korean paste which is basically made of  red chili powder, glutinous rice powder mixed with powdered fermented soybeans, and salt. There are also so many types of Gochujang in Korea. It has even become popular in Japan.

I got one from Korea the other day. It is so helpful when you want to add some different tastes to your cooking. Gouchujang doesn't taste either simple or too spicy, but it has the rich flavor and taste as it's fermented like cheese, miso and kimchi. If you find one, please try it!
sliced pork
bean sprout
sesame oil
gochujang (1tbsp)
soy sauce (1tbsp)
salt and pepper

1-  Cut the carrot and ginger thinly. Flour a little salt and pepper on the pork.

2-  Heat some sesame oil and fry the ginger and the sliced pork. When the pork is cooked, remove it from the pan.

3-  Stir fry the carrot on the same pan. Put 2 and bean sprout into it. 

4- Add gochujang and soy sauce and stir well.

If you have Korean nori, please put some on top before eating.