22 May 2010

Stir fried warabi from Akita

Last weekend, I went to Akita prefecture(map) to plant rice. One of my co-workers' family is from Akita and invited me to their place for two days. It was the first time for me to plant rice so I was very excited to have the new experience.

I realized that to grow rice (and other things) takes a lot of work and patience so that all the young people go to cities and none of the farmers in the area have successors. It is very sad. However, there is a famous project where young girls from Tokyo grow rice in Akita to promote farming for young people.

The place is so beautiful and the people are extremely friendly. Everyone helps each other and looks after the environment. One of them helped us to find some sansai (mountain vegetables), so let's eat sansai today!

If you get fresh warabi, you must boil it with baking soda and keep it in the water for 1- 2 days before cooking.
warabi (a type of mountain vegetables- refer the photo)
canned tuna
soy sauce

1- Stir fry the cut warabi and konjac with some oil. Add the canned tuna and fry well.

2- Add sugar, mirin and soy sauce and boil until it has no water.

3- Put some sesame and finish.
