7 Feb 2010

Boiled Sanma

Hope you are having a beautiful Sunday?
I went to a classical flute concert and it was too comfortable for me to stay awake in the end...
European classical music is very popular in Japan. There are always many concerts going on every day somewhere in Tokyo and of course other parts of Japan as well. Also it's normal to learn instruments so I started learning piano when I was 5 and I continued it until I was 17. 

When I was in Germany, Japanese students like me were often smiled to by old German lecturers who love their traditional music because a lot of young Japanese people were learning instruments in Germany and Austria and they know we love German traditional music. I think not many local young people are into their traditional music as there are mostly old generations at concert halls or opera houses in Germany.

OK, about today's recipe. I found sanmas (I don't know if you have this fish in your place?) Therefore I will cook this easy Japanese boiled sanma.This fish is very popular in the pacific region.
soy sauce (2tbsps)
sugar (1tsp)
sake (1tbsps)
1- Remove sanma's head, organs and tail. Cut the sanma in 3 pieces, then cut gently into the skin on the outside.

2- Boil 1 cup of water with sliced ginger, soy sauce, sugar and sake.

3- Put 1 into 2 then boil for 10 minutes.

After you eat the sanma, you can boil daikon with the remaining sauce. The daikon absorbs the nice sanma soup and then develops the beautiful taste.
